Basic Policy The JFE Group views respect for human rights as both a corporate social responsibility and a foundation of its business. Our determination to prevent discrimination in our business operations is clearly expressed in our Standards of Business Conduct, where we have consistently upheld. In FY2018, the JFE Group Human Rights Basic Policy was established as a standard to which Group companies and their officers and employees must comply in order to further clarify the approach to our initiatives. Under the policy.
We have been conducting human rights due diligence since fiscal year 2021 in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, while organizing seminars by external experts on human rights. Given recent changes in human rights awareness and concerns, the JFE Group Human Rights Basic Policy was revised in April 2023 to further strengthen the JFE Group's efforts to respect human rights. Under the new version of the policy, every operating company inspected and revised its procurement guidelines and related materials, thereby strengthening the Group's efforts throughout the supply chain.
We will continue to promote initiatives for realizing a society in which human rights are respected and protected.
JFE Group Basic Policy on Human Rights JFE hereby establishes the JFE Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in order to promote Group-wide efforts to respect human rights and to fulfill its responsibilities to all stakeholders that it influences in the course of its business activities.
1. Basic approach to respect for human rights We, the JFE group, support and respects the International Bill of Human Rights, which consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights, as well as the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We believe that respect for human rights is a corporate social responsibility and a foundational aspect of our operations. In addition to clearly stating and implementing our policy for respecting all members of the company and the general public and refraining from any form of discrimination in our corporate activities, we implement initiatives to ensure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses.
This policy represents our commitment to respect human rights based on the JFE Group Standards of Conduct.
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the JFE group. We also encourage all stakeholders, including members of our supply chain, to understand and support this policy.
3. Compliance with applicable laws We comply with the laws and regulations of Japan and all other countries and regions where we operate, but if there is any conflict with internationally recognized human rights and regulations, we seek ways to respect internationally recognized human rights as much as possible.
4. Human rights due diligence We identify negative impacts on human rights and utilize our internal mechanisms for human rights due diligence to prevent or mitigate such impacts.
5. Corrections and remedies We maintain reporting contact points for receiving reports from both internal and external sources regarding negative impacts on human rights caused by any of our business activities. If we are made aware that we have caused or been involved in a negative impact on human rights, we will follow the necessary procedures to correct and remedy the problem.
6. Education We provide education on respecting human rights to ensure that all of our officers and employees understand and implement the company's basic policy.
7. Oversight The JFE Group Sustainability Council, chaired by the President of JFE Holdings, Inc., oversees compliance with this policy and the implementation status of initiatives referred to herein.
8. Dialogue and consultations with stakeholders Among the initiatives taken under this policy, we utilize outside experts as well as engage in discussion and consultation with internal and external stakeholders.
9. Information disclosure We appropriately disclose all relevant information about our initiatives concerning respect for human rights and the progress of such initiatives via JFE group websites and other means.
10. Business-related human rights issues (1) Non-discrimination and equality under the law We respect every individual connected with our corporate and business activities and do not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, creed, religion, social status, lineage, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or any other such factor.
(2) Engaging with business partners We seek the cooperation of all of our business partners in initiatives to respect and protect human rights in order to contribute toward creating a society in which the rights of all humans are respected and protected.
(3) Harassment We do not engage in any kind of harassment based on gender, status, or any other factors, including through language or behavior that offends or violates the dignity of others.
(4) Forced labor and child labor We never use forced labor or child labor in any country or region. We also do not tolerate or sanction any form of modern slavery, including bonded labor and human trafficking.
(5) Occupational health & safety and appropriate working environments In accordance with the fundamental idea that safety is our top priority above all else, we pursue health and safety in all of our activities and strive to create safe, healthy workplaces where all employees feel assured that their physical and mental health is protected.
(6) Working hours and livable wages We comply with all laws and regulations concerning working hours and wages applicable in the countries and regions where we operate. We work to ensure wages that allow employees to enjoy an adequate standard of living.
(7) Right to freedom of association and collective bargaining We respect employee rights to freely associate and collectively bargain in accordance with the laws and collective bargaining agreements in each country. In addition to taking into account each country's laws and labor practices, we work to build sound labor-management relations and resolve problems by engaging in sincere and constructive dialogue with employees in accordance with international norms.
(8) Rights of local and indigenous peoples We respect and give due consideration to local people's land rights, access to water, safety and health as well as the rights of indigenous peoples in regions where we operate.
This policy revision was formulated with the assistance of human rights experts and approved at the JFE Group Sustainability Council chaired by the President of JFE Holdings, Inc.
Established: April 2018 Revised: April 2023 Yoshihisa Kitano, Representative Director, President and CEO JFE Holdings, Inc.